10 oil pack (BOP)


Write in the comment box the 10 oils based on the communication given on email / PM


$350 – 10 Pack Special


$600 – 20 Pack Special


$350 – 10 Pack Special – Choose 10 from List 1 OR 8 from List 1 and 2 from List 2

$600 – 20 Pack Special – Choose 20 from List 1 OR 16 List 1 and 4 List 2

List 1:

Testosterone Propionate 100mg
Testosterone Cypionate 200mg
Testosterone Sustanon 250mg
Testosterone Enanthate 300mg
Equipoise 250mg
Deca Durabolin 300mg
NPP 100mg
Mast 100mg
Test Mix 400mg
Trenbalone Acetate 100mg
Equipoise 500mg
Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg
Mast 200mg
Test Cyp 100mg – Tren E 100mg – Mast E 100mg
Test E 100mg – Tren E 100mg – Mast E 100mg
EQ Boldenone/Test Mix 600mg
Test Prop 50mg – Tren Ace 75mg – Mast Prop 75mg

List 2:

Primobolan Enanthate 100mg
Trestolone Acetate 50mg
Test Prop 50mg/Tren Ace 75mg/Mast Prop 75mg/NPP 50mg Mix
Tren Ace 100mg/Mast Prop 100mg
Trestolone Blend 151

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